Saturday, December 22, 2012

Casting fate to the wind

Looking at the date on the last post it has been a loooonnnng time since I updated this. Don't know if anyone care or reads this anyway. The other blogs get more traffic, this one is a little more personal I think.
Anywho, we are off to Japan finally, low on funds, cold, not much wind, and a very late start in the season, but we have cast our fate to the Tao and untied the dock lines. Well sort of, because we retied them in Morro Bay as our lay over spot, whilst waiting for fair weather. We had planned on being in LA by now. Oh well, there is a saying about the best plans of mice and mice, also a Chinese saying about men plan, heaven something...

It was a scary time leaving Alameda our home for the last 6 years or so. It took a lot of guts to cast off and many time close to tears before the departure. Even now it is at times scary, when looking at the enormous amount of things to do, and needs. This is a real spiritual Journey, with the thought the Tao, God, the Great Spirit will provide...Yosh!

to be continued