Monday, January 4, 2010

10 way to make sailing part of yoru Zen practice

Kuan YinKuan Yin is considered patron of sailors
This is an old post form my sailing blog. Since this blog is a mixed bag I thought I'd put it up here for those who do not read my sailing blog.
Chan is about living fully, it is also about knowing we are part of everything, mindful, alert, relaxed, prepared, adaptable, connected but not attached, centered, doing one's best with everything, tying a dock line, hosting a sail, tacking, cleaning the head, battening down the hatches, you get the idea. With mindful, being the key word, it is something every  good sailor should be anyway. Here is my short list:
1. Check the weather
2. Check the wind
3. Check the boat for anomalies
4, Check your bilge
5. Check your sails (before leaving)
6. Check the area around you ( at, leaving, & away from the dock)
7. Check your safety equipment
8. Be aware of everything
9. Do not think about having fun
10. Be fun

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