Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Time fades away...

Hard to believe it is already Sept. This time next year we will be close to the Japan cast off. At this point to be honest it us hard to see how  it will happen. At the same time things are falling in to place, there are also set backs. Like the car breaking down and needing to be replaced just after spending over 500.00 on repairs recently. Very uncool ! I will never buy an old American car again...unless it is a Vette! :-)

We have to dip into our little bit of savings we have in Japan to replace it. Then we have to replace that. That money was set aside for our apt in Japan. We will also need money to ship our goods, do some upgrades to the boat also money to live.

Then there is my job. I am very grateful to be working. However my day job is a dead end path. I was told I was going to be going on full time a few weeks ago. After planning for and expecting it for a couple of weeks , I am then told that I was not going to get the full time position.  The person I was replacing was getting another chance at it. Even though I have seniority and every one complains about this other person.

On a good side I was hired for more p/t hours at the marine consignment store. I was also hired to some promotion work on a boat designed and made in Japan called the Zen 24. It will be demo'd and sold here in the States.

I was able to pick up a small office space at the marina where I work and also relocate to a better slip and get liv-aboard status. So yeah, good things and downers both happening...life is in full swing.


  1. Why don't you live on the boat in Japan? It would save you heaps of money and be more fun.
